Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tired Of Hot Dogs?

Here is another way to eat those hot dogs. This is a meal that my mom cooked...a lot! I still make it for my family from time to time. We like it and it is a great way to mix up using hot dogs. I know some of you may look at this and think NO WAY! But, this really is pretty darn tasty! If you are on a super tight budget and hot dogs are what you can afford you have to find new ways to use them.

Cost of the items you see  $4.33 = $1.08 per serving
**I cut the price of the BBQ sauce in half because I had already used half on my chicken thighs. The relish and onion I already had and only used trace amounts.

The hubby decided at the last minute he wanted corn not brussel sprouts :(

Just slice up the hot dogs and put them in a pan with your BBQ sauce, diced onion and a squirt of relish. Use as much sauce, onion and relish as you like.  Heat it and eat it!

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